Greetings, fellow Eagles. As you all know, fall is upon us. Now is the time to break out your Starbucks holiday mugs and your chunky sweaters in celebration of this auspicious season!
With Statesboro being hotter than Satan’s armpit 98 percent of the time, fall might as well be called SummerLite. But don’t let a little thing like temperature get you down! Here are a few surefire ways to get you ready for fall, even though Mother Nature is holding out on us:
Turn Your AC Down to 60 Degrees
That’s the coldest you’re going to feel for a while . . . unless you love to hang out in the Biological Sciences Building.
Light Candles in Every Room
All different scents, of course. Is it really fall unless your home smells like MaplePumkinMochaSpice?
Pair UGGs and Riding Boots with Your shorts
You might look ridiculous, buy hey, ‘tis the season.
Carry a Vial of Pumpkin Extract With You Everywhere
Coffee, tea, muffins, casseroles, you name it, any food item can be transformed into a fall favorite with a splash of pumpkin flavoring!
Start Planning Your Annual Christmas Party
You only have four months, so you might want to get started.
These are just a few hints and suggestions to get you started off. With that being said, I wrote this article while sipping a caramel spice latte. Live your best lives, Eagles. Don’t let these haters break you down.